Wiki source code of Release Notes for XWiki 7.0

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/10/13

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Thomas Mortagne 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
5 This is the release notes for [[XWiki Commons>>]], [[XWiki Rendering>>]], [[XWiki Platform>>]] and [[XWiki Enterprise>>]]. They share the same release notes as they are released together and have the same version.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 16.2 7 This is the first release of the 7.x cycle. It features many improvements for extensions, a simplified Wiki Creation Wizard, improved differences view, integration of a new Tree Widget with the WYSIWYG editor and Index Application, etc.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 8
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 9 {{error}}This release introduce a new internal group cache in the security module. This group cache is affected by a serious issue. In certain situations, it causes group members not to be recognized as such, leading to incorrect access decisions. If you follow the XWiki best practices for setting rights (which recommends to minimize use of denies), this issue will result mostly in unexpected access denials, which obviously does not seriously compromise the security but cause real annoyance to legitimate users. See {{jira url="" style="enum"}}XWIKI-12016{{/jira}} for more technical detail about this issue.{{/error}}
Denis Gervalle 20.1 10
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 12.1 11 Regarding extensions, we now have the ability to organize and filter extensions by category in the Extension Repository, the install date and the user that performed the install are now available in the extension details, the extensions that were installed explicitly are now displayed distinctly, etc.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 12
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 12.1 13 We improved the difference views for document history and extension upgrade process, by showing a difference summary between the two versions, detailed changes to objects definitions, etc.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 14
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 12.1 15 Developers may enjoy a new application to edit wiki Skins, a new Finder Plugin for the Tree Widget and API improvements to the Mail Sender and Extension Manager modules.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 16
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 12.1 17 The Watchlist module has a new component based implementation and also there is an experimental Realtime Watchlist Notification feature.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 18
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 12.1 19 XWiki also moved to Servlet 3.0.1 which means various old application servers versions are not supported anymore and the old Lucene search module was finally retired to Contrib.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 20
21 = New and Noteworthy (since XWiki 6.4) =
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 22
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 23 [[Full list of issues fixed and Dashboard for 7.0>>]].
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 24
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 25 == Improved Document Diff View ==
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 26
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 27 The document history view that shows the differences between two versions of a document has been improved:
Thomas Mortagne 14.1 28
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 29 * The new summary gives you an overview of the changes and provides fast navigation.
30 * The changes made to the short text properties (e.g. title, which has only one line of text) are more readable now.
31 * You can see the changes that have been made to a text attachment. For non-text attachments you can see the difference in the file size.
32 * You can see detailed changes to a class definition (e.g. which meta properties, like 'Custom Display', have been modified).
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 33
Thomas Mortagne 14.1 34 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 35
Thomas Mortagne 25.1 36 See the [[Version Control feature documentation>>Documentation.UserGuide.Features.VersionControl]] for more details.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 37
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 38 == Extension Diff View ==
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 39
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 40 You can now view the changes that have been made to the wiki pages of an installed extension. This can help you review your customizations to a XAR extension before doing an upgrade. The wiki pages of the transitive dependencies are also taken into account.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 41
Thomas Mortagne 14.1 42 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 43
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 44 See more on the [[Extension Manager Application documentation>>extensions:Extension.Extension Manager Application||anchor="HChanges"]] page.
Thomas Mortagne 13.1 46 == Extension Manager and Repository Improvements ==
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 47
Thomas Mortagne 13.1 48 === Extension installed as dependencies ===
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 50 You can now distinguish between the extensions that have been installed directly (by you or a different user) and the extensions that have been installed as transitive dependencies, when looking at the list of installed extensions.
52 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
54 Also, the details of an installed extension now include the install date and the user that installed that extension. This information will be available only for extensions that are installed or upgraded from now on (directly or indirectly). Extensions that are already installed have this information only if they were installed directly (not as dependency).
Thomas Mortagne 13.1 56 === Extension categories ===
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 57
58 It's now possible to indicate a predefined category for each extension in the repository:
60 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
62 It's also possible to filter and order extension by category:
64 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
66 == Wiki Creation ==
68 * During the wiki creation, Distribution Wizard is not triggered anymore. Instead, the whole wiki creation process has been moved into a job, and everything happens inside the Wiki Creation Wizard (with a progress bar and a logging area):(((
69 {{image reference="[email protected]" width="45%"/}} {{image reference="[email protected]" width="45%"/}}
70 )))
71 * The Wiki Provisioning Step has been integrated into the job too.
72 * When a wiki is created from a template, we now have a message in the logs that displays which document is copied.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 74 == Document Index Tree Finder ==
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 75
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 76 You can now easily find documents and attachments from the tree view of the Document Index.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 77
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 78 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
80 Checkout the [[Index Application>>extensions:Extension.Index Application]] for more details.
82 == The WYSIWYG Editor Uses the New Tree Widget ==
Thomas Mortagne 25.1 84 We have integrated the new [[Tree Widget>>extensions:Extension.Tree Widget]] into the [[WYSIWYG Editor>>Documentation.UserGuide.Features.WysiwygEditor]].
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 85
86 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 88 == Experimental Realtime Watchlist Notification ==
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 89
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 90 We have added a new notification option for WatchList that notifies users of changes on their watched documents in real time (i.e. as soon as they happen).
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 91
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 92 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 93
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 94 This feature is currently **experimental and disabled by default**. Fore more information on it and how to enable it, please see [[the documentation>>extensions:Extension.Watchlist Application||anchor="HSince7.0RC1"]].
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 95
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 96 == Miscellaneous ==
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 98 * Rendering page performances have been improved when using the Flamingo skin (thanks to the usage of [[Less4j>>]] for the integration of the LESS language).
Thomas Mortagne 25.1 99 * When deploying XWiki as ROOT in your Servlet Container [[you must now set the ##xwiki.webapppath## property to empty>>Documentation.AdminGuide.ShortURLs||anchor="HDeployingasROOT"]] as in:(((
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 100 {{code language="none"}}
101 xwiki.webapppath=
102 {{/code}}
104 The reason is that XWiki cannot guess the webapp context from the URL in this case. This seemed to work on previous versions but it was actually leading to errors from time to time, depending on what URL was used when doing the first request on the XWiki instance.
105 )))
106 * Debian packages based on Tomcat 8 have been added.
107 * Distribution Wizard should not ask to login when installing from scratch anymore
108 * Renamed the WatchList notification options to something simpler and clearer:(((
109 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
110 )))
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 111 * The user/group displayer is now showing the wiki for local users/groups in edit mode too (the wiki was shown only in view mode previously).(((
112 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
113 )))
114 * When deleting a wiki the confirmation page now asks to type in the wiki identifier to prevent accidental deletion.(((
115 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
116 )))
117 * The ##Main.RssFeeds## documentation page has been removed since it wasn't linked from anywhere, provided little value in itself and wasn't dynamic (the RSS features for each extensions depends on the extension being installed and if the extension is not installed or uninstalled the ##RssFeeds## page gets broken links).
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 119 * Differentiate external links from internal links using an icon(((
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.2 120 {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 121 )))
Vincent Massol 17.3 122 * The ##@headings-color## property is now editable in the [[Flamingo Theme Editor>>extensions:Extension.Flamingo Theme Application]].
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 123 * Using the edit welcome message button from the homepage now redirects back to the previous page (homepage) when the user is done editing (saves or cancels) instead of leaving the user on the Main.Welcome page, which was previously confusing for some users.
124 * Mail Sender API now offers a new configuration property to decide whether mail statuses for mails that have been sent successfully must be discarded or not (when using the Database Mail Listener). The default is now false (i.e. discard them) but they could be kept for traceability purpose for example. Note that in previous XWiki versions these mail statuses were kept.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 125
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 126 See the [[full list of JIRA issues>>]] fixed in this release.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 127
128 = For Developers =
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 130 == Skin Edition ==
132 * We have added a new [[extensions:Extension.Skin Application]] to easily edit a skin document.(((
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 11.1 133 {{image reference="[email protected]" width="45%"/}} {{image reference="[email protected]" width="45%"/}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 134 )))
135 * This application provides a new way to override a template. You do not need to edit the ##XWikiSkins## class anymore.
136 * It also provides the ability to override a file stored in a subdirectory.
137 * It is now possible to override the LESS templates.
139 == Solr index changes ==
Vincent Massol 17.4 141 All String based object properties raw values are now stored in the Solr index with ##_string## suffix (exactly like for static lists properties) in DOCUMENT types. This mean that when upgrading to 7.0 you should recreate the Solr index so that they are added.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 142
143 == WebJars Caching ==
145 The WebJar resources are now permanently cached by the browser. The browser won't request them again unless you clear the browser cache or you force reload the page. See more on the [[WebJars Integration>>extensions:Extension.WebJars Integration||anchor="HCaching"]] documentation.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 147 == Mail Sender API Improvements ==
149 The [[Mail Sender API>>extensions:Extension.Mail Sender API]] has been improved to allow sending mails to a list of users, a list of groups and a list of email addresses, all at once. It also supports excluding users, groups and email addresses. Last, it ensures that recipients don't get duplicate mails. Before 6.4.2/7.0M2, you could send a mail either to a list of users or to a group (and to an email address) but you had to use several API calls for that and you had to handle yourself potential mail duplication (if a user was inside your user list and inside the group you were sending to for example).
151 Using the new API, the following example will send a template email to all the users in the ##XWiki.MyGroup## group, to the ##XWiki.User1## and ##XWiki.User2## users + to the ##[email protected]## email address.
153 Also note that contrary to the previous API to send email to a group, the new API handles nested groups (i.e. if the ##XWiki.MyGroup## group contains other groups, all users of those other groups will also receive the template email)!
155 {{code language="none"}}
156 {{velocity}}
157 ## Parameters for the 'template' MimeMessageFactory
158 #set ($templateParameters = {'language' : $xcontext.language, 'velocityVariables' : { 'var1' : 'value1' }})
160 #set ($templateReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference('', 'Space', 'MailTemplatePage'))
161 #set ($parameters = {'hint' : 'template', 'parameters' : $templateParameters, 'source' : $templateReference})
163 #set ($groupReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference('', 'XWiki', 'MyGroup'))
164 #set ($user1Reference = $services.model.createDocumentReference('', 'XWiki', 'User1'))
165 #set ($user2Reference = $services.model.createDocumentReference('', 'XWiki', 'User2'))
167 #set ($source = {'groups' : [$groupReference], 'users' : [$user1Reference, $user2Reference], 'emails' : ['[email protected]']})
169 #set ($messages = $services.mailsender.createMessages('usersandgroups', $source, $parameters))
170 #set ($mailResult = $services.mailsender.send($messages, 'database'))
171 {{/velocity}}
172 {{/code}}
174 == Group Member Iterator ==
176 A new ##ReferenceUserIterator## iterator has been introduced to iterate over all the users found in a list of users/groups. It supports the following:
178 * Ability to iterate over a list of references (either group or user) or a single user/group
179 * Handles nested groups
180 * Ability to return user data (e.g. user's email) and to programatically skip some entries based on programmatic condition
181 * Ability to exclude users/groups
183 Notes:
185 * Right now duplication is not handled at the level of ##UserIterator## (thus for example if a user is a member of several groups it'll be returned several times).
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 186 * This code is not performant as it will load one document per group and per user found. There's [[currently no way of handling this in a performant way>>]].
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 187
188 Example 1: List all users of a group by returning references
190 {{code language="groovy"}}
191 {{groovy}}
192 import com.xpn.xwiki.internal.plugin.rightsmanager.*
193 import org.xwiki.model.reference.*
194 import org.xwiki.context.*
196 def groupReference = new DocumentReference("xwiki", "XWiki", "XWikiAllGroup")
197 def resolver = services.component.getInstance(DocumentReferenceResolver.TYPE_STRING, "explicit")
198 def execution = services.component.getInstance(Execution.class)
199 def iterator = new ReferenceUserIterator(groupReference, resolver, execution)
200 iterator.each() {
201 println "* ${it}"
202 }
203 {{/groovy}}
204 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 17.5 206 Example 2: Get all email addresses from all users inside the passed groups
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 207
208 {{code language="groovy"}}
209 {{groovy}}
210 import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.*
211 import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.*
212 import com.xpn.xwiki.internal.plugin.rightsmanager.*
213 import org.xwiki.model.reference.*
214 import org.xwiki.context.*
216 def group1Reference = new DocumentReference("xwiki", "XWiki", "XWikiAllGroup")
217 def group2Reference = new DocumentReference("xwiki", "XWiki", "XWikiAdminGroup")
218 def resolver = services.component.getInstance(DocumentReferenceResolver.TYPE_STRING, "explicit")
219 def execution = services.component.getInstance(Execution.class)
221 class EmailUserDataExtractor implements UserDataExtractor<String>
222 {
223 public String extractFromSuperadmin(DocumentReference reference)
224 {
225 return null
226 }
228 public String extractFromGuest(DocumentReference reference)
229 {
230 return null
231 }
233 public String extract(DocumentReference reference, XWikiDocument document, BaseObject userObject)
234 {
235 return userObject.getStringValue("email")
236 }
237 }
239 def iterator = new UserIterator([group1Reference, group2Reference], [], new EmailUserDataExtractor(), resolver, execution)
240 iterator.each() {
241 println "* ${it}"
242 }
243 {{/groovy}}
244 {{/code}}
246 == Extensions improvement and new features ==
248 === Extension category ===
250 Each extension can now expose a category (flavor, application, macro...).
252 === Advanced extensions search ===
Vincent Massol 17.7 254 A new extending provide field-based filtering and ordering to extensions search. It's implemented by all supported repositories (core, local, installed, XWiki based remote extensions repository).
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 255
Vincent Massol 17.8 256 In an XWiki Repository, simple and advanced search are now implemented based on Solr, which among other things make the search ordered by score by default and boost configuration has been associated to each extension element (high score for extension name and id, etc.)
Thomas Mortagne 14.1 257
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 258 === Advanced extensions search in REST protocol ===
260 Support for advanced filtering and ordering or extensions search result has been added XWiki Repository protocol and client. See [[extensions:Extension.Repository Module||anchor="H2Fsearch"]].
262 === Custom properties in REST protocol ===
264 Support for missing custom properties has been added to the XWiki Repository REST protocol. See [[extensions:Extension.Repository Module||anchor="HREST"]]. Only String properties are supported for now.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 11.2 266 === Access Extension fields by name ===
268 Added a method in Extension to access a field (name, summary, version, etc.) value by name.
270 {{code language="java"}}
271 /**
272 * Get an extension field (name, summary, id, etc.) by name. Fallback on properties.
273 *
274 * @param <T> type of the field value
275 * @param fieldName the field name;
276 * @return the field value or null if none could be found
277 * @since 7.0RC1
278 */
279 @Unstable
280 <T> T get(String fieldName);
281 {{/code}}
Thomas Mortagne 14.1 283 === Miscellaneous ===
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 11.2 284
285 * Source URL is now taken into account when importing an extension
286 * Extensions Repository REST service now return scm informations
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 288 == Finder Plugin for the Tree Widget ==
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 289
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 290 Starting with this version the [[Tree Widget>>extensions:Extension.Tree Widget]] has a (jsTree) plugin to find tree nodes, called //finder//. When enabled, this plugin adds a text input above the tree that offers suggestions as you type based on the content of the tree. When such a suggestion is selected the tree is expanded to show the corresponding node. This is already used by the [[Document Tree Macro>>extensions:Extension.Document Tree Macro]] and can be seen in action on the [[Document Index>>extensions:Extension.Index Application]].
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 291
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 292 == Miscellaneous ==
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 294 * XAR Mojos now also format and verify attachment authors.
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 295 * ##MandatoryDocumentInitializer## components can now use a ##@Priority## annotation to specify the order in which they should be executed. See [[XWIKI-11905>>]].
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 296 * A new ##isMainWikiOnly()## method is available in ##AbstractMandatoryDocumentInitializer## for overriding to specify that the document should be initialized on the main wiki only.
297 * A new ##setDocumentFields()## method is available in ##AbstractMandatoryDocumentInitializer## to be called when initializing a regular document (which is not a class).
298 * A new component based implementation of the watchlist module is now available (replacing the plugin one). See [[the documentation>>extensions:Extension.Watchlist API]] for more information.
299 * The XWiki pages for the [[XClass Application>>extensions:Extension.XClass Application]] (a.k.a Class Wizard or Class Editor Wizard) which were located in the ##xwiki-enterprise## GitHub repository have been moved into a ##xwiki-platform-xclass## Maven module in the ##xwiki-platform## GitHub repository.
300 * Added access to the document XDOM in ##com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document##. That means you can now do {{code language="velocity"}}$doc.getXDOM(){{/code}} and {{code language="velocity"}}$doc.setContent($xdom){{/code}}.
301 * The default preferences (the ##XWikiPreferences## document) has been moved from ##xwiki-enterprise-ui-admin-user## to ##xwiki-enterprise-ui-mainwikipreferences##.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 302 * ##$datetool## has a new method to access the [[DateFormatSymbols>>]]:(((
303 {{code language="none"}}
304 {{velocity}}
305 #set ($currentLocale = $services.localization.currentLocale)
306 #set ($dateFormatSymbols = $datetool.getDateFormatSymbols($currentLocale))
307 $jsontool.serialize($dateFormatSymbols.shortMonths)
309 ## Output for French locale:
310 ## ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
311 {{/velocity}}
312 {{/code}}
313 )))
314 * Message Stream script service now offers a ##getLastError()## method to get the last error.
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 315 * "input" displayed Static and Database Lists separators handling has been improved to properly allow using multiple separators at once for entering data (including escaped separators inside list values). More importantly, when displaying an existing list inside an input, the existing values will always be separated using the first separator specified in the object's class for the edited object property. For non-relationally stored properties, the value that is stored in the database as a LargeStringProperty will always be separated using the default pipe ("|") separator. See [[XWIKI-10098>>]] for more details.
316 * The ##/deleteversions/## action now supports the "latest" and "previous" pseudoversions and the ##/rollback/## action now supports the "previous" pseudoversion. See [[XWIKI-11841>>]] for more information.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 317 * The build now checks if unit tests output content to stdout/stderr and fail the build if so. A new ##AllLogRule## JUnit Rule has been introduced to capture and assert logs:(((
318 {{code language="java"}}
319 ...
320 /**
321 * Capture logs.
322 */
323 @Rule
324 public AllLogRule logRule = new AllLogRule();
325 ...
326 assertEquals("Error getting resource [bad resource] because of invalid path format. Reason: [invalid url]",
327 this.logRule.getMessage(0));
328 ...
329 {{/code}}
330 )))
331 * The ##xwiki-commons-test-simple## and ##xwiki-commons-test-component## modules have been moved to the Commons Tools as ##xwiki-commons-tool-test-simple## and ##xwiki-commons-tool-test-component## respectively. If your Maven module depends on one of them you'll need to update the dependencies.
Thomas Mortagne 22.1 333 == New Template Module ==
335 The whole templating (filesystem and wiki templates) have been rewritten and new APIs has been introduced to use it in 7.0.
337 See [[Template Module documentation>>extensions:Extension.Template Module]].
339 == New Skin Module ==
341 A new module and related API has been introduced to make easier to access skin resources.
343 See [[Skin Module documentation>>extensions:Extension.Skin Module]].
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 345 == Deprecated and Retired projects ==
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 347 * The [[WatchList plugin>>extensions:Extension.Watchlist Plugin]] has been moved to legacy and was replaced by a component-based implementation. The legacy module still provides a plugin API for compatibility, but clients should move to the new script service instead.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 348 * Lucene search module moved to
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 349
350 == Upgrades ==
352 The following dependencies have been upgraded:
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 354 * [[Jython 2.7-rc1>>]]
355 * [[Groovy 2.4.2>>]]
356 * [[Selenium 2.44.0>>]]
357 * [[Arquilian Phantom JS Driver 1.1.3.Final>>]]
358 * [[JGroups 3.6.2>>]]
359 * [[Jython 2.7-b4>>]]
360 * [[DBCP 2.1>>]]
361 * [[Pygments 2.0.2>>]]
362 * [[jdom 2.0.6>>]]
363 * [[XStream 1.4.8>>]]
364 * [[Maven 3.2.5 and Aether 1.0.2.v20150114>>]]
365 * [[Infinispan 7.0.3>>]]
366 * [[SLF4J 1.7.10>>]]
367 * [[Joda-Time 2.7>>]]
368 * [[Tika 1.7>>]]
369 * [[httpclient 4.4>>]]
370 * [[Bootstrap 3.3.2>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 371
372 = Translations =
374 The following translations have been updated:
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 376 {{language codes="ca, cs, da, de, es, fr, gl, it, ko, lv, pt_BR, ro, ru, sk, sv, tr, vi, zh, zh_TW"/}}
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 377
378 = Tested Browsers & Databases =
Manuel Smeria 19.1 380 {{include reference="TestReports.ManualTestReportSummaryXWiki70"/}}
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 381
Thomas Mortagne 17.1 382 = Performances tests compared to 6.4.3 =
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 383
Thomas Mortagne 18.1 384 There hasn't been much specific work on performance during 7.0 but some refactoring of the template module and the move to less4j improved the skin executing speed.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 385
Thomas Mortagne 17.1 386 {{display reference="test:Performances.Jetty HSQLDB single wiki 643 to 70" section="HSummary"/}}
388 More details on [[performance comparison on single wiki between 7.0 and 6.4.3>>test:Performances.Jetty HSQLDB single wiki 643 to 70]].
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 389
390 = Known issues =
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 392 * [[Bugs we know about>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 393
394 = Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes =
396 == General Notes ==
398 When upgrading make sure you compare your ##xwiki.cfg##, and ##web.xml## files with the newest version since some configuration parameters may have been modified or added. Note that you should add so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 400 == Issues specific to XWiki 7.0 ==
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 401
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 402 * The Watchlist class and its objects have been migrated to use relationally stored DBList properties instead of TextArea properties in order to solve scalability issues that occurred when too many elements were being watched by a user. See [[XWIKI-7339>>]].
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 403 * The [[WatchList plugin>>extensions:Extension.Watchlist Plugin]] has been moved to legacy and was replaced by a component-based implementation. The legacy module still provides a plugin API for compatibility, but clients should move to the new script service instead.
Vincent Massol 18.3 404 * Titles are not extracted from document content anymore, you can enable it using the ##xwiki.title.compatibility## configuration property but it will probably fully be removed at some point
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 405 * The Solr index changed so it needs to be recreated in case some new feature would expect to find the new fields
Vincent Massol 18.2 406 * The upgrade to DBCP 2.1 has caused to **require a JDBC 4 driver** and some Hibernate configuration properties have been removed and new ones created. The following properties have been removed:(((
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 407 * ##dbcp.maxActive## replaced by ##dbcp.maxTotal##
408 * ##dbcp.maxWait## replaced by ##dbcp.maxWaitMillis##
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 409
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 410 Note that we've kept backward compatibility support for the old properties so that you don't need to immediately modify your ##hibernate.cfg## file (although we recommend you do that!).
412 Also note that even though the following properties were defined in ##hibernate.cfg## they were not handled by XWiki's code (nor by DBCP 1.3 - which was the version we were using prior to moving to 2.1). Since they had no effect they've now been removed:
414 * ##dbcp.whenExhaustedAction##. Note that the default action is BLOCK in Commons Pool (used by DBCP)
415 *
416 *
417 *
418 )))
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 419 * Debian packages based on Tomcat 5 and 6 has been removed since they are not supported by XWiki itself anymore
Thomas Mortagne 25.1 420 * [[XWiki now requires to be deployed in a Servlet Container support Servlet 3.0.1>>Documentation.AdminGuide.Installation||anchor="HPrerequisites"]]. For example:
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 421 ** Jetty 8.x
422 ** [[Tomcat 7.x>>]]
423 ** Glassfish 3.x
424 ** WebSphere 8.x
425 ** WebLogic 12.x
426 ** JBoss AS 6.x/7.x
427 ** Resin 4.0.1
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 428
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 429 == API Breakages ==
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 431 The following APIs were modified since XWiki 6.4:
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 432
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 16.1 433 * The Watchlist plugin has been moved to legacy and a component-based implementation has replaced it. Major refactoring has been performed.
435 {{code language="none"}}
436 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.AutomaticWatchMode: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.AutomaticWatchMode removed
437 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.AutomaticWatchModeListener: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.AutomaticWatchModeListener removed
438 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListEvent: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListEvent removed
439 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListEventFeedManager: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListEventFeedManager removed
440 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListEventMatcher: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListEventMatcher removed
441 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListEventType: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListEventType removed
442 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListJob: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListJob removed
443 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListJobManager: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListJobManager removed
444 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListNotifier: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListNotifier removed
445 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListPlugin: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListPlugin removed
446 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListPluginApi: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListPluginApi removed
447 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListStore: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListStore removed
448 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListStore$ElementType: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListStore$ElementType removed
449 {{/code}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 451 * Add support for categories to extension. It should not be an issue for most Extension implementations which are supposed to extend ##AbstractExtension##
453 {{code language="none"}}
454 org.xwiki.extension.Extension: Method 'public java.lang.String getCategory()' has been added to an interface
455 {{/code}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 457 * Helper to access extension fields by name
459 {{code language="none"}}
460 org.xwiki.extension.Extension: Method 'public java.lang.Object get(java.lang.String)' has been added to an interface
461 {{/code}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 8.1 463 * Added a method to get the date when an extension was installed.
465 {{code language="none"}}
466 org.xwiki.extension.InstalledExtension: Method 'public java.util.Date getInstallDate(java.lang.String)' has been added to an interface
467 {{/code}}
469 * Added support for associating custom install properties (e.g. the user that triggers the install) to the namespace where the extension is installed.
471 {{code language="none"}}
472 org.xwiki.extension.InstalledExtension: Method 'public java.lang.Object getNamespaceProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)' has been added to an interface
473 org.xwiki.extension.repository.InstalledExtensionRepository: Method 'public org.xwiki.extension.InstalledExtension installExtension(org.xwiki.extension.LocalExtension, java.lang.String, boolean, java.util.Map)' has been added to an interface
474 {{/code}}
476 * Added support for advanced installed extensions search.
478 {{code language="none"}}
479 org.xwiki.extension.repository.InstalledExtensionRepository: Method 'public org.xwiki.extension.repository.result.IterableResult searchInstalledExtensions(java.lang.String,' has been added to an interface
480 {{/code}}
482 * Using String instead of JRCS Version for better flexibility. Probably should not have been public from the start.
484 {{code language="none"}}
485 com.xpn.xwiki.web.DeleteVersionsForm: Return type of method 'public org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs.Version getRev()' has been changed to java.lang.String
486 com.xpn.xwiki.web.DeleteVersionsForm: Return type of method 'public org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs.Version getRev1()' has been changed to java.lang.String
487 com.xpn.xwiki.web.DeleteVersionsForm: Return type of method 'public org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs.Version getRev2()' has been changed to java.lang.String
488 {{/code}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 490 * Move to Servlet 3.0.1
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 492 {{code language="none"}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 493 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.XWikiServletRequestStub: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.XWikiServletRequestStub removed
494 com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.XWikiServletResponseStub: Class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.XWikiServletResponseStub removed
495 {{/code}}
497 * Refactoring the LESS API. Make internal all the classes and interfaces that should never have been public
499 {{code language="none"}}
500 org.xwiki.lesscss.cache.ColorThemeCache: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.cache.ColorThemeCache removed
501 org.xwiki.lesscss.cache.LESSCache: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.cache.LESSCache removed
502 org.xwiki.lesscss.cache.LESSResourcesCache: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.cache.LESSResourcesCache removed
503 org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorTheme: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorTheme removed
504 org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorThemeReference: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorThemeReference removed
505 org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorThemeReferenceFactory: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorThemeReferenceFactory removed
506 org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorThemeReferenceSerializer: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorThemeReferenceSerializer removed
507 org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.DocumentColorThemeReference: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.DocumentColorThemeReference removed
508 org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.LESSColorThemeConverter: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.LESSColorThemeConverter removed
509 org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.NamedColorThemeReference: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.NamedColorThemeReference removed
510 org.xwiki.lesscss.compiler.IntegratedLESSCompiler: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.compiler.IntegratedLESSCompiler removed
511 org.xwiki.lesscss.compiler.LESSCompiler: In method 'public java.lang.String compile(java.lang.String, java.nio.file.Path[])' the number of arguments has changed
512 org.xwiki.lesscss.compiler.LESSCompiler: In method 'public java.lang.String compile(java.lang.String)' the number of arguments has changed
513 org.xwiki.lesscss.compiler.LESSSkinFileCompiler: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.compiler.LESSSkinFileCompiler removed
514 org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSObjectPropertyResourceReference: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSObjectPropertyResourceReference removed
515 org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSResourceReader: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSResourceReader removed
516 org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSResourceReference: Method 'public java.lang.String getContent(java.lang.String)' has been added to an interface
517 org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSResourceReference: Method 'public java.lang.String serialize()' has been added to an interface
518 org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSResourceReferenceSerializer: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSResourceReferenceSerializer removed
519 org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSSkinFileResourceReference: Class org.xwiki.lesscss.resources.LESSSkinFileResourceReference removed
520 Class removed
521 Class removed
522 Class removed
523 Class removed
524 Class removed
525 org.xwiki.lesscss.LessCompilerScriptService: Return type of method 'public org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorTheme getColorThemeFromSkinFile(java.lang.String)' has been changed to org.xwiki.lesscss.internal.colortheme.ColorTheme
526 org.xwiki.lesscss.LessCompilerScriptService: Return type of method 'public org.xwiki.lesscss.colortheme.ColorTheme getColorThemeFromSkinFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)' has been changed to org.xwiki.lesscss.internal.colortheme.ColorTheme
527 {{/code}}
529 * Young API. Made the API more generic + internal refactoring.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 10.1 530
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 531 {{code language="none"}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 532 org.xwiki.mail.MimeMessageFactory: Return type of method 'public javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage createMessage(javax.mail.Session, java.lang.Object, java.util.Map)' has been changed to java.lang.Object
533 org.xwiki.mail.script.MailSenderScriptService: In method 'public java.util.Iterator createMessages(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.util.Map)' the number of arguments has changed
534 org.xwiki.mail.script.AbstractMailScriptService: Removed field configuration
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 535 {{/code}}
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 536
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 9.1 537 * We've refactored the client code of the WYSIWYG editor to use the new tree.
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 10.1 538
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 7.1 539 {{code language="none"}}
540 Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
541 Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
542 Parameter 1 of 'public AbstractExplorerWizardStep(boolean, boolean, boolean)' has changed its type to java.lang.String
543 Parameter 2 of 'public AbstractExplorerWizardStep(boolean, boolean, boolean)' has changed its type to int
544 Parameter 3 of 'public AbstractExplorerWizardStep(boolean, boolean, boolean)' has changed its type to int
545 Accessibility of method 'public AbstractExplorerWizardStep(boolean, boolean, boolean)' has been decreased from public to protected
546 In method 'protected AbstractExplorerWizardStep(boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int)' the number of arguments has changed
547 Method 'protected void invalidateExplorerData()' has been removed
548 Method 'public void onKeyPress(' has been removed
549 Method 'public void onRecordDoubleClick(' has been removed
550 Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
551 Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
552 In method 'public AttachmentExplorerWizardStep()' the number of arguments has changed
553 In method 'public PageSelectorWizardStep(' the number of arguments has changed
554 Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
555 Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
556 In method 'public WikiPageExplorerWizardStep()' the number of arguments has changed
557 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed com.smartgwt.client.core.LogicalStructure from the set of implemented interfaces
558 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed com.smartgwt.client.widgets.DataBoundComponent from the set of implemented interfaces
559 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
560 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
561 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
562 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
563 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
564 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
565 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
566 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
567 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
568 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
569 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
570 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
571 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
572 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
573 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
574 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
575 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
576 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
577 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
578 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
579 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
580 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
581 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
582 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
583 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
584 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
585 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
586 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
587 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
588 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
589 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
590 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
591 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
592 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
593 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
594 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
595 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
596 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
597 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
598 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
599 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
600 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
601 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
602 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
603 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
604 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
605 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
606 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
607 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
608 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
609 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
610 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
611 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
612 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
613 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
614 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
615 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
616 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
617 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
618 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
619 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
620 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
621 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
622 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
623 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
624 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
625 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
626 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
627 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
628 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
629 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
630 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
631 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
632 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
633 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
634 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
635 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
636 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
637 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
638 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
639 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
640 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
641 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
642 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
643 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
644 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
645 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
646 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
647 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
648 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
649 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
650 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
651 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
652 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed from the set of implemented interfaces
653 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed com.smartgwt.client.widgets.BaseWidget from the list of superclasses
654 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas from the list of superclasses
655 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid from the list of superclasses
656 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed com.smartgwt.client.widgets.layout.Layout from the list of superclasses
657 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed com.smartgwt.client.widgets.layout.VLayout from the list of superclasses
658 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Removed com.smartgwt.client.widgets.tree.TreeGrid from the list of superclasses
659 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Parameter 1 of 'public XWikiExplorer(' has changed its type to java.lang.String
660 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public XWikiExplorer()' has been removed
661 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'protected create()' has been removed
662 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer getOrCreateRef(' has been removed
663 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public java.lang.String getSelectedAnchor()' has been removed
664 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public java.lang.String getValue()' has been removed
665 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public boolean isNewPageSelectedFromTextInput()' has been removed
666 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public boolean isNewPageSelectedFromTreeNode()' has been removed
667 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDefaultValue(java.lang.String)' has been removed
668 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayAddAttachment(boolean)' has been removed
669 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayAddAttachmentOnTop(boolean)' has been removed
670 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayAddPage(boolean)' has been removed
671 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayAddPageOnTop(boolean)' has been removed
672 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayAttachments(boolean)' has been removed
673 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayAttachmentsOnTop(boolean)' has been removed
674 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayAttachmentsWhenEmpty(boolean)' has been removed
675 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayLinks(boolean)' has been removed
676 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplaySpaceNodesDisabled(boolean)' has been removed
677 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplaySuggest(boolean)' has been removed
678 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setDisplayWikiNodesDisabled(boolean)' has been removed
679 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setSpace(java.lang.String)' has been removed
680 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setValue(java.lang.String)' has been removed
681 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.XWikiExplorer: Method 'public void setWiki(java.lang.String)' has been removed
682 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.AttachmentsDataSource: Class org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.AttachmentsDataSource removed
683 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.FarmDataSource: Class org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.FarmDataSource removed
684 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.PageDataSource: Class org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.PageDataSource removed
685 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.SpaceDataSource: Class org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.SpaceDataSource removed
686 org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.WikiDataSource: Class org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.widget.explorer.ds.WikiDataSource removed
687 {{/code}}

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